Reminder: Ms. Reynolds will be outside the High School to wave and say her good-byes to our community. Stop by to wish her well and thank her for all she’s done at Armorel. #Reynolds #WeWillMissYou
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Congratulations to Tanner Davis on committing to play baseball at Central Christian College of Kansas! We are proud of you! Good Luck!
almost 4 years ago, Michael Dobbins
GraceAnn Stracener-Shelton is the daughter of Bill and Summer Stracener. After high school she plans to carry on with her life with her husband and beautiful daughter, Everly Grace. When we asked GraceAnn how she feels about her senior year ending this way she said, "It's kinda sad because I wanted the experience of being a senior just like everyone else." We asked who she is most grateful for and she said, "I'm most grateful for my parents, my mother and father-in-law, my amazing husband, and my little girl for motivating me and helping me get through my senior year. They are my biggest supporters and I love them with everything I got." Congratulations GraceAnn!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Leighandrea Honorable is today's senior spotlight. When asked how she feels about her senior year ending this way she said, "it’s kinda heartbreaking because I wanted to experience what everyone experienced as a senior." The most challenging task as a senior, "The most challenging thing was just simply being a senior." Leighandrea is most grateful for, "actually graduating because of the simple fact a lot people doubted me but I proved them wrong." Congratulations Leighandrea!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Evan Jenkins is today's senior spotlight. When we asked how she feels about her senior year ending this way, she said, " I never imagine this happening to me. It’s hurtful, it's really a big disappointment! I can’t believe I’m not celebrating prom nor experiencing walking the stage, or saying goodbye, see you later, to my classmates. It’s all crazy, heartbreaking when you look forward to things that you wished happened forever. But I most definitely can say I am, did, and going to graduate despite what others may say." Evan's response to who she is most grateful for, " I am so thankful, for my son Ace Chan DaMan. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be were I was today and going hard as I do. I really do appreciate him weather he know it or not, not only cause he's mine, but because he motivates me, we can enjoy the small pleasures of life, humor, the beauty and life in nature. I love and I’m thankful his little touches, kisses, and hugs the most, it’s like everything better. He was the ability to change by life with one good decision." Congratulations Evan!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Ms. Reynolds will be outside the High School to wave and say her good-byes to our community. Stop by to wish her well and thank her for all she’s done at Armorel. #Reynolds #WeWillMissYou
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Reminder 2020-21 Cheerleading tryouts are Friday, May 15. Contact me if you do not have your individual time slot. Wear black shorts and white shirt for tryouts. Good luck to everyone!
almost 4 years ago, Melissa Booker
Our Registration for DC has been extended! Come go with us!
about 4 years ago, Melissa Booker
Come join us for Washington DC!
Dylan Singleton is the son of Morgan Short. After high school he plans to continue his welding career. Dylan's thoughts about his senior year ending this way, "I'm kinda sad, but I'm going to miss my friends and making the rest of our memories together." His advice for upcoming freshmen, "Live for the moment, it will fly by faster than you think." Congratulations Dylan!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Attention AP Students: Tonight, we will try (I am new to this) Google Classroom connect at 7:00 PM to discuss this information. If this does not work for you, I will try another time. The key is, I need to hear from you. -Mrs. Harms
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Emily Atteberry is the daughter of Angie and David Atteberry. After high school she plans to attend ANC for 2 years for general studies and find a career path while working part time and then transfer to complete her degree. Emily's thoughts about her senior year ending this way, "I’m very upset by how my senior year ended. Me and my classmates have missed several events that we have waited so long for. Even though I wasn’t a student at Armorel my whole life, my most important years were spent there. I never would’ve except something like this to happen, especially this fast. I have much love for the Class of 2020." When asked who her hero is and why, she said, "I would say my grandmother Jean Atteberry is my hero. She is my best friend, she has taught me everything I know. She’s been with me through everything in life and always gives the best advice. She’s the most kind hearted and strongest women know. I hope to grow to be at least half of the woman she is." Congratulations Emily!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Jaelyn Ray is the daughter of Wendy and Chris Ray. After high school she plans to go to ANC for 2 years to get her basics and then she will transfer to ASU to get her bachelor's degree so that she can teach high school theatre. When asked how she feels about her senior year ending this way she said, "Honestly, high school had its ups and downs, but if I had the chance to do it all over again just to have a normal senior year I would. All of my life I have seen people in their cap and gown and I always thought "wow, I can't wait for that to be me." Well, now it is my turn, but it's not how I expected it to be. We don't get a proper last day, we don't get a senior luncheon, we don't even get a completer's luncheon. All of these events that we were looking forward to were taken away from us. We all had our last day and didn't even realize it. I don't really remember what I did on my last day, or if I was even there, and that's what's really sad about all of this. We didn't get to go all out like we did for our first day. Our first day, we had confetti cannons, went into the hallway right before the bell rang, and then when everyone walked out, we shot the confetti cannons and started yelling and laughing, it was great. All we did for our last day was walk out of the doors just like we did every other day, because we had no idea that it was all over. I just hope that no other senior class ever has to go through this, and that after this year every other senior class will know not to take anything for granted." Jaelyn's advice for incoming freshmen, "Enjoy high school, don't complain about it being hard. Don't drop a class because it's a little harder than you thought, don't skip just because you feel like it and remember to treat your teachers right, you might not know it, but they love you. These are the best and worst four years of your life, cherish them, and make memories." Congratulations Jaelyn!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
AP Exam information from Mrs. Harms CollegeBoard has sent the final information needed for AP Exams. Each day of this week, a new part of the information will be posted, please read the material and send a response on the classroom page. The first two test are next week. May 12, Cal AB May 15, US History May 20, English Language and Composition
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Kaitlyn Walters is the daughter of Stephanie and Brian Walters. After high school she plans to attend ANC to obtain an Associates of Science in Business and later transfer to earn a bachelor's degree. Kaitlyn's feelings about her senior year ending this way, "I hate that the “perfect” end to my senior year that I have long been anticipating has been stolen from me and my fellow classmates due to the virus. There were many crucial once in a lifetime moments that I will never have the opportunity to experience again. The class of 2020 share the same feelings and the majority of us are at a loss for words. All we can think about is what should have happened and what we regret not doing when we had the chance. However, rather than dwelling on what could have happened I am excited for what lies ahead of me and I am trying to look at things in a positive way. Life moves on and all that I can do in this moment is prepare for my future. I thank all the teachers and family I have supporting me during this difficult time." Kaitlyn's advice for incoming freshmen, " do not miss out on a single opportunity. Try out for every sport you want to play and take every class you wish to take. Don’t promise yourself you will do something later in life, do it now. Go to every school event and be as involved as possible. You will make the most unforgettable memories by doing so. Take an abundance of photos with people you know and of everywhere you go. You will thank yourself later. Don’t be afraid to stand out dress however and do what truly makes you happy. Be different, drastic, and creative but most of all do not fear failure because it's good to know that you tried when you had the chance than to have regrets." Congratulations Kaitlyn!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Sr 2020
Zachary Wykoff is the son of Rod and Michelle Wykoff. Zachary is always happy to see his mom because he knows she will always take care of him. When asked who Zachary is most grateful for, it is without a doubt, Mrs. Hopper. He appreciates everything she has done for him through high school. Congratulations Zachary!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
McKenzie Tillman is the daughter of Chad and Tiffany Tillman. After high school she plans to attend Williams Baptist and start her major in nursing. When asked how she feels about her senior year ending this way McKenzie said, "Honestly I am really heartbroken my senior year ended this way. I have attended Armorel since I was in Kindergarten and never in a million years would I have thought that I would be saying goodbye to my childhood home so early. I am definitely going to miss going out to eat with the class every Friday and causing trouble everywhere we go. I regret not holding onto all my friends and teachers." When we asked McKenzie when she looks back on this school year in later years, what would she remember the most, she said, "When I look back on this school in 10 years or so I will remember all the teachers who believed in me when I couldn't find the strength or motivation to do it myself. I'll remember all the friendships and bonds I made the 13 years I was at Armorel. AHS I will love you forever and I'll forever cherish the memories I made here. Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger!" Congratulations McKenzie!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Senior Spotlight: Ally Jewell is the daughter of Anna and Jim Gifford and Justin Jewell. After high school she plans to attend ANC, complete the dental assisting program then complete dental hygiene school. From there Ally wants to move to Memphis to attend Concord where she will become a dental hygienist. She also plans to attend the University of Memphis to get a degree in business or somewhere in the business field just to always have something to fall back on. When asked how she feels about her senior year ending this way, Ally said, "I think it is kind of cool that there was a pandemic in the middle of my senior year. I am also sad that I will be missing so much. I already miss so much. I miss my friends, my favorite teachers, I honestly even miss waking up early. It's kind of hard to believe that I will never go back. It's almost time to schedule my college classes and that just sounds so weird to say. I honestly never thought I would be out of high school." When asked to describe senioritis Ally said, "senioritis is more dangerous than coronavirus is all I am going to say. It hit me out of nowhere. First couple of weeks at school I was doing so good, on top of my work getting things done, next thing I know I'm about a week behind with having no idea what I'm doing. Senior year really is a breeze if you take all of your harder classes as a younger student. I remember I worked my butt off 9-11th grade to make sure my senior year was as easy as could be." Congratulations Ally!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Michael Peterson is the son of Kenny and Crystal Peterson. After high school he plans to attend Arkansas State University to major in exercise science to work his way towards becoming an athletic trainer. When we asked Michael how he feels about his senior year ending this way he said, "Oh man where do I even start? This year I tried to come to school everyday because I knew my time in high school would come to an end before too long. None of us seniors thought it would be sooner rather than later though. There were so many "last" things we were supposed to experience. Such as our last class together, our last sporting event, our last trips, our last time eating in the cafeteria and so on. We are also missing out on our completers luncheon which I was really looking forward to. I would also like to thank all my teachers and classmates that allowed me to gain so many great memories I can keep with me for the rest of my life. Most importantly, I would like to thank Coach Miller. He didn't give up on our basketball team and he definitely didn't give up on me either. He helped me become the man I need to be and I am grateful for that." When asked what the highlight of his senior year has been he said, " It is very difficult to choose just one highlight from my senior year. There were so many significant things that happened throughout the school year such as, being one point away from a triple double against Delta C-7, getting all-conference in basketball, and always having very interesting debates at the lunch table with the boys. If I just had to choose one highlight it would be getting to leave every single Friday and go eat, walk around Walmart, play basketball, or just ride around. I am surely going to miss all of my classmates." Congratulations Michael!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
Abby Kennedy is the daughter of Tony and Christie Kennedy and the sister of Ashton Kennedy. Abby plans to obtain a bachelor's degree in International Business and a master's degree in Business Administration. Beyond that she wishes to travel regularly as it has always been a passion of hers since she was young. Abby's thoughts about her senior year ending this year, "Senior year meant everything to me, and sadly all the high expectations that we all had were stripped from us. People always say, "You're going to miss high school and being a senior," but it's hard to miss something that I never got to fully finish. My senior year was normal and something that I always knew would fly by quickly, but be full of memories with people that I consider my family. I never would have imagined though that it would be cut off this quickly. I know I would give anything to sit in a room with my classmates again. Even though senior year didn't end the way we thought it would I'm still going to cherish every moment I got with my class." The highlight of Abby's senior year, "Winning the Patty Woody tournament would have to be the highlight of my senior year. That was the first time my basketball team had won a trophy and it will be something that I will always remember. Not only was it amazing that we had won, but the tournament was hosted in my father's high school where he graduated. Playing in his home town while he was there watching meant the world to me. I'm forever grateful for my team and everything we accomplished. Memories like that won't ever fade away." Congratulations Abby!
about 4 years ago, Ashley Slaughter
2020-21 School Year Cheerleading Tryouts. Any girls interested in trying out for cheer (7-12) need to contact Mrs. Booker For safety precautions this years tryouts will be videotaped individually with me at the school,in 15 minute time slots. When you contact me I will get you the application, materials for tryouts and your date and time slot for your tryout. I look forward to hearing from you. Go Tigers!
about 4 years ago, Melissa Booker