President - Scott Jowers
(Zone 5 Term Renewal 2023) sjowers@armorel.k12.ar.us
Vice President - Jeff Hollingsead
(Zone 4 Term Renewal 2024) jhollingsead@armorel.k12.ar.us
Secretary - Jeff Hopper
(Zone 3 Term Renewal 2027) jhopper@armorel.k12.ar.us
Board Member - Eldon Carter
(Zone 1 Term Renewal 2025) ASBA Voting Delegate/ Legislative Liaison ecarter@armorel.k12.ar.us
Board Member- Tammy Winstead
(Zone 2 Term Renewal 2026) twinstead@armorel.k12.ar.us
Meetings are held in the Armorel Administration Building at 5:30 on the second Tuesday of the month unless otherwise posted:
4555 North State Hwy 137
Blytheville, AR 72315
School Board Meeting Dates
Request to Present to the Board Form
If interested in becoming a school board member for an upcoming vacant position, please consult the link below for additional information. Refer to the "School Board Elections" tab for specific guidance on running.